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You can receive the Certificate of Eligibility(COE) via email!

The Tokyo Immigration Bureau is still so crowded. It seems that online application is still not widespread. Especially for foreign nationals, it is still not convenient to use.

Meanwhile, there is a long-awaited and epoch-making change for immigration procedures.

The Certificate of Eligibility will change significantly!

Until now, after obtaining a COE(paper media), the original had to be sent overseas, and the original was required at the time of application for a visa at a Japanese Embassy and entering Japan.

The COE is valid for three months after it is issued, but in some areas , there are various problems such as it take a long time, there is a risk of non-delivery, shipping costs are expensive, and even if the original arrived, it was lost, etc., and had to be reissued. From March 17, it will finally be possible to issue it electronically by e-mail.

The received electronic certificate can be sent as an email attachment, and the applicant can show it to apply for a visa and enter to Japan.

Those who apply for a Certificate of Eligibility online or those who register online and apply at the Regional Immigration Bureau are eligible.

Along with this, the handling of conventional paper COE will also change. When applying for visa, and lamding permission you may present a copy thereof.

For details

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